пятница, 20 мая 2022 в 20:17
Пишет Гость:Модер, будь добренький выполни пожелание из дженсенотреда:URL записи
тред Биг Скай поднять и переименовать в Big Sky, Tracker and so on...
Модер, будь добренький выполни пожелание из дженсенотреда:URL записи
тред Биг Скай поднять и переименовать в Big Sky, Tracker and so on...
Schedule: 7/16/2024 - 4/22/2025
Local Production Company: TNG Television Productions Ltd.
Executive Producer: Elwood Reid, Ken Olin, Connie Dolphin
Director: Kenneth Edward Olin
Production Manager: David Markowitz
Unit Manager: Chris Johnson
Production Coordinator: Mark Tachovsky
Location Manager: David Tamkin
Assistant Location Manager: Grayson Grant, Amanda Hanson, Robin Macdonald, Kelli Buxton, Alexander Mayock, Michelle Dotto
Schedule: 7/16/2024 - 4/22/2025
Production Address: 19714 96th Avenue, Langley, Canada, V1M 3B9
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (604)546-0659
YVRShoots Tweets
Jensen Ackles reportedly back in episode 2 of #Tracker season 2, which could start filming late this week or next week in Vancouver.
Хм. Будет всего одна серия или потом могут передумать? В любом случае, есть шанс, что он успеет отсняться в Трекере до запуска ОО.
Я думаю, они решили ловить момент и быстренько припрягли Дженсена, пока тот свободен. Это позволит им с самого начала шоу повесить морковку под носом его фанатов
Участие Эклза в более поздних серия они будут подгонять к его графику в других шоу, Элвуд Рид уже пообещал больше одной серии - значит, это согласовано с Дженсеном, а на сколько конкретно они его раскрутят, будет зависеть от занятости.
Удивительно, конечно, но им канал премьеру на пару недель вперед перенес, так что, видимо, пришлось оперативно расписание пересматривать. И, возможно, ещё начало съёмок ОО так же давит.
Hearing that Jensen Ackles started filming his return as big bro Russell Shaw to TRACKER on a set in Martini studios in Langley.
And will shoot on some private farm land in Langley somewhere on 8th Ave west of Smallville's "Kent Farm" on 248th St.
Jensen Ackles has wrapped as Colter Shaw’s older brother Russell in episode 2 of season 2 of Justin Hartley's #Tracker.
See you back in Vancouver for episode 5?
Dedee talking about reconnecting with Jensen is such a funny story
Full clip:
Dedee Pfeiffer talks reconnecting with Jensen Ackles on @bigskyabc, her amazing time on @cw_supernatural and how her incredible #spnfamily reminded her of the first time she and @jensenackles first worked together.
#bigsky #supernatural #jensenackles #dedeepfeiffer #dystopiatonight
Jensen Ackles is back in Episode 2 as Colter’s brother Russell. Safe to say the show digs into the family mystery more?
It has more to do with the family thing. We left off first season with Colter having a lot of questions. He doesn’t even know who he can trust anymore. At the very beginning of last season, he thought his brother was involved in his father’s death, and then come to find out, wait a minute, he might not have had anything to do with it. Also, why is Dory (Colter’s sister, played by Melissa Roxburgh) hiding all this stuff?
So, Russell comes back and Colter’s got a couple of questions for him about this Dory situation and the box that she has and does Russell know where it is? Russell’s also pretty heroic in Episode 2 and they get involved in this really black ops, kind of strange thing. And these government officials start asking about our dad out of the blue, and you’re like, “Whoa, what’s this all about?” So, in every episode, Dad is becoming a little more vindicated maybe, or just maybe completely nuts. We don’t know. We dive a little bit deeper into that.
Well, we were both on the CW. He was on Supernatural and I had joined Smallville. I got to know him and Jared and all those guys over there at Supernatural. We’re all actors displaced here in Vancouver and we have a lot in common. He’s a family man and he’s got kids and loves his work and loves his family and loves his fans. We’re the same age and we just developed a friendship. I’d never had a chance to work with him until Tracker. He’s a very busy man, but I love working with him. It’s a treat.
Будут ли у Дженсена ещё появления в этом сезоне - пока неизвестно. Шоураннер уже заявлял, что "хочет". Но у них возникли проблемы не только с графиком Дженсена, у Мелиссы, которая Дори Шоу, тоже какое-то шоу в пре-продакшн (NBC+Юниверсал).
13 октября
@fionarene working overtime for season 2 BTS...Who do you think it was? #BTS #season2 #specialguest #SPN #sneakpeek
Что там, анончик? А то мы всей страной забанены сибиэсом и впн мне тут никак не помогает.
Ahead of Dory’s return, the Shaw brothers will reunite during a case involving UFOS. Reid teases that Russell shows up during the “highest point” in the case and the brothers’ reunion will include a key piece of their past. “There’s a secret that is revealed about their father that lands with both brothers,” Reid says. “There’s a memory you’ll see that Colter doesn’t have that his brother does about Colter and their father.” Now that the brothers are on better terms, they can actually compare notes and make some progress.
Hartley is excited to have his friend back as Russell. “Jensen came and he enhanced [the character] in every way. He augmented the character with the tiny touches he adds as an actor, so he made this his own in a big way,” Hartley says about his on-screen brother.
На первом снимке коллажа Дженсен рядом с Джастином выглядит... изящным? Рядом со "шкафом". Это если не вспоминать, что на конах он выглядел подкаченным. Странно.
Да, ракурс, да, поза, но всё же.
а то чего столько новой красоты пропадает!
Давай хотя бы второй эпизод подождём и посмотрим, что интересного оттуда настругать можно будет. Мне вообще из первого сезона Следопыта нравится кадр с улыбкой Рассела, после того, как он на парковке уговорил Колтера ехать вдвоём спасать приятеля. Хотя там тоже посмотреть нужно, что будет в статике, а не на гифке.