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На мой взгляд именно Фелиция выглядит на свой возраст - отлично, но не ух! прям.
Рут в какой-то момент сильно сдала. Может пластика какая-то неудачно и не вовремя сделанная? Она когда в СПН вернулась - это было просто бррр!
Не помогло особо, но, как остановилась вовремя. Во всяком случае у меня такое впечатление.
Не путаю,я специально проверила даже, сама фшоке. Обе 1979 года
Я - как Дженсен и Джаред: ничего не поняла + не буду даже начинать, чтоб не рисковать.
Jensen: Or put him out of his suffering, y'know?
Q: You don’t think that’s kind of a cop out? [audience Ohhhs and Jared Wow!s]
Jensen: They put me down!
Q: What would your ideal ending have been for you, or what would have Dean’s ideal ending have been for him?
Jensen: Um, hmmm. I think there’s probably a few different roads we could have gone down. But in really overanalyzing what did happen as much as I have, I do feel like this was a pretty great way of doing it. Because we - thank you, yeah. We talked a little bit about this in our meet & greet, the question was, what would happen, or what would our thoughts have been if it had been reversed. If Sam would have been the one to get the rebar and Dean to carry on. And I said I don’t think Dean would have been able to do it. Not because - and not to say that Sam was able to do it because he cared less for his brother? I think Sam was the one brother that could have carried on for his brother. I don’t think Dean could have put that ahead of his emotional trauma, I think he probably would have spiraled. And it would have been destructive and he probably would have said, ‘Why am I doing this, I don’t have my partner.’ And so I feel like he would be doing anything he could to get back to his family [points at Jared]. And I think Sam had the ability to and the insight to say, 'I’m doing this for my family’. So I feel like he had - it would really make more sense for Dean to be the one to kinda go and I think it made for really good tv. I think that particular character being the one to go down and Sam to be the one to carry the torch, I think just made sense. That was just a really good move from the writers and I think it just made for really good tv. So I wouldn’t change anything. I really wouldn’t.
Jared: See, I think Dean would have put on a green rubber suit and, uh, done a lot of things! [laughs]
Jensen: And a codpiece?
Jared: Yes, yes, that too!
Jared: Wow!
Jensen: Wait, when I’m what? When Dean’s crying on the rock? [fan repeats] Oh, yeahyeahyeahyeah. [pause] Right.
Q: How do you get into - both of you - how do you get into that character - or, not character, like zone, I guess? Into that crying role? And then when it’s over, are you like, [fake tough voice] ‘I’m ready to go fight somebody’, are you in the feels all day after?
Jensen: Yeah, that’s how I am in real life. I’ll watch a - a commercial and I’ll be like [exaggerated distressed inhale, gets up and walks off], 'I wanna go fight somebody!’ No, I just go to the bathroom for some tissue.
Jared: I just think of the saddest moment of my life. No, I think he and I are similar. One of my least favorite things I can see on a sсript is stage direction saying they break down, or they cry. Or something. And so many scenes in Supernatural - I can’t necessarily name one right now - but so many scenes that didn’t say Dean cries or Sam cries or Dean breaks down or Sam breaks down? We did, you know? And so many scenes also, vice versa, say Sam sheds a tear, Dean breaks down - it just didn’t, it didn’t feel right? So we just kind of - I think we just let the scenes happen? I feel like as the seasons progressed, when we get to like 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and so on and so forth? [points to baby crying in audience] You feel me! I feel like it was just one of those things where we’d do a scene and we’d rehearse it and be like, 'Oh, wow! That felt more powerful than I anticipated looking at the page.’ [Jensen nods] So then you get to set and one of the characters kinda breaks down a little bit - okay, go with it! And vice versa. It’d be a really sadly written scene where they’re talking about loss or fear or something, but it didn’t feel like the characters would approach it with sadness as much as frustration? So it’s - I think by - pretty quickly we had a pretty good idea of who Sam and Dean were, and then as the show progressed, the writers kind of wrote Sam and Dean to Jared and Jensen, and so they trusted us with like, 'Hey if this is a scene where y'all make a joke, we’re not gonna write Dean says kiddingly yadda yadda or Sam says, you know, emotionally yadda yadda. They just kinda wrote our dialogue. And, like, y'all do y'all’s thing! So I feel like that’s more how I approach it.
Jensen: There’s also a large capacity of confidence within the character that we have as actors. [Jared: Right.] And I mean I - to brag on him a bit [hits Jared’s knee] - I remember watching him, cause in the first season, a little episode called Heart. Sam loses - what was her name? [Audience: Madison!] Madison! Yeah, and has a really, y'know, emotional scene. And Jared really got into a headspace that day, and I remember watching him on set and he was - I mean, just in a corner, just like sittin on the floor, just kinda rocking. And these lighting setups can take half hour, forty five minutes sometimes. And he was staying in this emotional - you can’t do that for ten hours a day. [Jared shakes his head no.] And I remember asking him, I was like, 'Dude, what are you thinkin about?’ And he was like, 'I’m thinking about my dog Sadie dying.’ And that’s, that’s - and I mean, my God, like how emotionally taxing that must have been for him to do that for several hours, just to stay in an emotional state so that when they yelled action, he could shed tears. And -
Jared: That was the last time I did that.
Jensen: That was the last time he did it. And I watched him as not just as a scene partner and a friend, but I got to watch him as an audience member and see Jared figure out a way to tell Sam’s story through actual emotion that he had for the character. And so when we got to season 15 and we had that barn scene, those weren’t two actors thinking about something else that made them emotional so that they could put on an emotional face for their character. These were two actors who were so deeply invested and confident in their character that all we had to think about was Dean dying and Sam losing his brother. And the tears, and the emotion, just kind of swept us up. So yeah, it evolved over the course of the show. And getting out of it when they yelled cut? Sometimes - you know, you’re essentially tricking your body into thinking that something horrible is happening? And your body is reacting by -
Jared: Your body doesn’t know.
Jensen: Your body is - I remember, there were several times but I remember the one time when I was recounting Dean’s experience in hell to Sam and they yelled cut and I had to walk away, because my body was shaking, because my body was thinking that I was going through something very traumatic. And it’s interesting because those leave little scars on your heart. Those leave little impressions on your soul, because your body reacted to what they thought were real. And even though we knew in our brain it wasn’t - we went through that process, physically. And so yeah, I had to go and walk that off because I couldn’t stop - the tears just kept coming and my body was shaking and I was like [exaggerated blinking, shaking out his hands]. And so, you know.
Q: So you weren’t ready to go fight anybody after?
Jared: He would’ve.
Jensen: Yeah, you know, I went and boxed a tree.
Jared: And we’re not, like, woo-woo guys. We’re southern. We’re both Texans, born and bred [audience cheers] - yeah, thank you. The idea that someone’s like, 'Oh, well if you do a crying scene you’re gonna go home and you’re gonna feel exhausted cause your body was just crying.’ I’m like [loud scoffing noise]. Surrrre. Like I’m acting, I memorized the lines. But it’s legit. Having done it now for 23 years, done 450 episodes of television? Yeah, you do a scene where everybody’s having a good time and riding horses or laughing or joking or you’re - nutcracker whatever? You gotta go home and you’re laughing. You feel like you should invite friends. You do a scene where someone’s, where your brother is dying? I slept for days after we shot that barn sequence. I just had no energy, I had no dopamine in my body. And I was like, this is really weird, I slept eight hours last night, I never sleep eight hours, why can I not get out of bed to go to the bathroom or whatever?
Jensen: It’s strange that an emotional scene is more physically taxing on you than a day of fight scenes. It’s strange but it just is, it’s coming from within and it just exhausts you.
Jared: Yeah, yeah.
Jensen: It’s also one of those things - just like a day of fight scenes - where at the end of it? Man, you really feel like you hung your hat on that day. Like I put in the work today. [Jared nods along and mouths yeah and same] Like I felt that, and that’s always a good feeling when you know you - when you feel like you really delivered.
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The panel starts with some dad jokes, then Jensen asks Jared how he's feeling, and Jared replies that he's feeling good, that he's been filming and mentions that he woke up at around 3am to go to the bathroom and he stayed up to watch the fights cause he didn't want to wake up to text messages about the results. Jensen says that now he knows that'll keep Jared up so he's gonna text him the results of the fights from now on.
Jensen flew in from Switzerland on Friday, that it was a long journey, and he's been on European time the past week so he's just started to assimilate to that and then he came back to the states so now his body is all confused; he does have some sleeping pills his doctor gave him but he says he hasn't used them yet.
Starting the questions, what would have Dean's ideal ending been for him? Jensen answers that he thinks there's probably a few different roads they could have gone down but in overanalyzing what did happen as much as he has, he does feel this was a pretty great way of doing it. That during their meet and greet they had been asked what their thoughts would have been if the situation had been reversed, if Sam had died and Dean had had to carry on, and Jensen replied that he doesn't think Dean would have been able to do it and he's not trying to say Sam cared less for his brother but he thinks Sam was the one brother that could have carried on for his brother. He doesn't think Dean could have put that ahead of his emotional trauma.
He thinks Dean probably would have spiraled and it would have been destructive and he probably would have said "why am I doing this? I don't have my partner", he feels like Dean would be doing anything he could to get back to his family while he thinks Sam had the ability and the insight to say "I'm doing this for my family". He feels like it really made more sense for Dean to be the one to go, and it made for really good TV. That that particular character to be the one to go down and Sam to be the one to carry the torch was a really good move from the writers that made for really good television, so he wouldn't change it.
When Dean made the deal in s2, do they think it was more lenient for the demon to have granted Dean a year to live or was it more cruel? The fan explains that if the demon had taken Dean's life in that moment he might not have had any second thought about continuing living but then with the one year to live he would still feel Sam's love and Bobby's love which would make him unable to embrace death.
Jensen thinks demons always have a nefarious tactic to them, and that it was just better for the story. But he also thinks the fan is right that it definitely gave Dean an opportunity to battle with all of those situations, battle with wondering if he did the right thing but he thinks at the end of the day Dean would have done whatever it took to save his brother even if that meant dying right in that moment. He thinks the demon did that because they were hoping it would get better ratings
If they had to one vs. one any creature or being from SPN who they think they would have the best shot with and how would it go down? Jared says leprechaun all he has to do is put a bunch of shit on the ground and they have to count it. Jensen goes siren that he would happily lose. But if he was trying to win, he doesn't know, maybe changelings cause they're kids. Jared points out he has trouble with human kids, he wants a monster kid, and Jensen quips that he has monster kids.
Have any of their kids expressed a desire to be actors, and if they did would they encourage it or try to stear them in another direction? Jared says all three kids got to go to the Walker set recently and see what he does; Tom was like nope and Jared breathed a sigh of relief, Odette said no but she's a performer, and then Shep said he'd think about it as if it's something you do as a hobby to which Jensen says that it's funny cause when he asks Shep what he wants to do when he grows up he tells him that he wants to do what Uncle Jensen does, both boys start laughing and Jared says he'll go with that, that he likes that better that Shep said maybe he'll do what Uncle Jensen does.
None of Jensen's kids have expressed an interest in acting but he will say Arrow is quite the little performer, she's picked up piano on her own and she'll ask him to record her while she does some dance or performance, and she's just starting to learn to read now but for over a year she didn't read but she would hold books and make up a story and flip the page and continue out loud as if she was reading. He wants to allow the kids to follow any interest and not smother their curiosity, he wants to really encourage curiosity whatever avenue that might lead them down.
How to do they get into the mindset for crying scenes and what is it like when it's over? Jared answers that he thinks he and Jensen are similar, that one of his least favorite things he can see on sсript is stage direction saying they break down or they cry, and in so many scenes in SPN that didn't say they break down they did and vice versa it would say they do but it didn't feel right so he feels like they just let the scenes happen, and he feels like as the seasons progressed it was one of those things where they'd do a scene and be like "oh wow that felt more powerful than I anticipated looking at the page" and, again, vice versa it would be a really sadly written scene but it wouldn't feel like something the characters would approach with sadness as much as frustration.
Jensen adds there's also a large capacity of confidence within the character that they had as actors and to brag on Jared a bit he remembers watching him, cause in the first season in the episode Heart Sam loses Maddison and has a really emotional scene, and Jared really got into a headspace that day and Jensen remembers watching him on set being in the corner, sitting on the floor and kinda rocking. And these lighting set ups can take half hour to 45mins sometimes and Jared was staying in that emotional headspace, you can't do that 10hrs a day and he remembers asking Jared what he was thinking about and Jared replied that he was thinking about his dog Sadie dying
And how emotionally taxing that must have been for him to do that for several hours just to stay in an emotional state so when they yell action he could shed tears. Jared says that was the last time he ever did that, and Jensen continues saying he watched him as not just a scene partner and a friend but he got to watch him as an audience member and see Jared figure out a way to tell Sam's story through actual emotion that he had for the character and so when they got to s15 and they had that barn scene those weren't two actors thinking about something else that made them emotional so that they could put on an emotional face for the character, these were two actors that were so deeply invested and confident in their character that all they had to think about was Dean dying and Sam losing his brother and the tears and the emotion just swept them up.
It evolved over the course of the show and getting out of it when they yelled cut- you're essentially tricking your body into thinking something horrible is happening and your body is reacting. Jensen remembers when he was recounting Dean's experience in hell to Sam and they yelled cut and he had to walk away cause his body was shaking cause his body was thinking that he was going through something traumatic and he says what's interesting is that those leave little scars on your heart, those leave little impressions on your soul because your body reacted to what it thought was real and even though they knew in their brain it wasn't they went through that process physically. So he had to go and walk it off cause he couldn't stop the tears, they just kept coming and his body was shaking.
Jared also mentions that they're both Texan born and bred, the idea that someone's like well if you do a crying scene you're gonna go home and you're gonna feel exhausted cause your body's been crying Jared would scoff and say he's acting, he's memorized the lines but that it's legit having done it now for 23 years and 450 episodes of television you do a regular or happy scene and you go home, but you do one where your brother is dying he says he slept for days after they shot that barn sequence, he had no energy, he had no dopamine in his body and it was weird cause he'd sleep 8hrs but he couldn't even get out of bed.
Jensen says it's strange that an emotional scene is more physically taxing on you that a day of fight scenes but it just is, it's coming from within, it just exhausts you. But it's also like those days filled with fight scenes where at the end of it you really feel like you've hung your hat on that day, you put in the work today and that's always a good feeling when you feel like you've really delivered.
Favorite flavor of pie? Jared starts to recite pi, his actual answer is pecan. Jensen says it's been a long road for him and pie that began when he met Dean Winchester but that long before he met Dean he had a wonderful grandmother that he got to grow up with and see her just about every week if not twice a week and she made the world's greatest chocolate meringue pie and every now and again if he was good he'd get to go to his gran's house and get some chocolate meringue pie and he misses that terribly. Aww, Jensen
Was Ben actually Dean's? Jensen says he likes to think that he wasn't, and the reason is because if Dean thought that Ben was his the Sam and Dean story would have been over and Dean would have commited himself to that situation.
Could Sam and Dean have been convinced by Charlie to try a D&D oneshot and if so what class might they play? These men are confused, Jared says he doesn't know what half of those words meant so the fan has to explain to them what a oneshot is, it's one game that can last several hours. Jared says hell yeah, and then asks why it's called oneshot the fan explains that it's because it's a game that only lasts one day instead of a campaign that can last months or even years, the fan mentions they know of games that have gone on for 30yrs which stuns the boys. Jared says he doesn't think he could commit to that, Jensen says he can't even get through a game of Sorry! to which Jared says Jensen can't get through a game of rock, paper, scissors without getting bored.
Sam would do it, Jared would not cause he thinks he'd get horribly addicted to it. Jensen is still confused, and Jared tells him he'll research it and explain it to him
Have they developed any of Sam and Dean's mannerisms? Jared says Jensen has- Jensen keeps asking about D&D.
Getting back to the question, Jared replies that it's hard to say, it's hard to differentiate what started with him and made it on camera as Sam. That they spent probably just about as much time playing Sam and Dean than thinking about how Sam and Dean would react when they call action. If you film for 12 or 15hrs a day that's not a lot of takes there's as much time if not more off camera preparing for that, so Jared and Sam- he doesn't know who's who, but Sam is much more serious than Jared.
Jensen says he probably borrows Dean's bravado from time to time and that's not to say it's all his but as Jared said it's a huge hybrid of their mannerism and what they thought would serve the character so a lot of what's seen on screen is just them being comfortable in the character and a lot of similarites are there so there's a lot of crossover and you might see them do something and think it's something Dean would do or Sam would do and that's because it's something they do that they did while playing the character.
What supernatural themed shows would they reccomend watching? Jared says Twilight Zone, the original. It's nice, scary, short and fun. Jensen says Angel since the fan is finishing Buffy.
If both Sam and Dean had kids would they have watched horror shows with them and what would it have looked like? They say it would be more like training videos.
What's their favorite song? One of Jensen's favorites is the Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin that he plays it as often as he can in the car for his kids. Jared says Just Breath by Pearl Jam that it was the first song he heard when he became a dad.
How do they both deal with stage fright and anxiety, if they get it? Jared says that while it might sound a little strange and a little dark he thinks about other parts of the world and what's going on cause he'll really get into his own head thinking about all sorts of stuff like his son not scoring as high on something as he'd like to or his dog being sick so he thinks about what's going on in the rest of the world right now and all the unfortunate stuff people are dealing with and it kind of makes it go away, and he remembers that all he's trying to do is try to bring joy and trying to bring entertainment. He's not saving lives or curing cancer, he's just hoping to have a good time and help somebody else have a good time and it kinda makes it melt away a little bit.
Last week Jensen said there was going to be news about his new project, has the announcement been made? Can he talk about it? Also, have their shows been renewed? I love Jared's reaction because he jokingly goes "don't drag me into this, I didn't say I was going to be making an announcement today at the con in Atlanta" as he turns towards Jensen and puts his hands on his hips
So, Jensen says that he had been told by the people in charge of this project that there would be a press release, that has been held up for reasons that he doesn't know, all he knows is that everything's done and it's just semantics now. But it's out of his control, it's up to tptb, the brass, those who control the checks and when he sees it we'll see it but it's exciting and we'll just have to wait because he doesn't know. And as far as their shows they also have no news because CW hasn't told them so when they know we'll know.
What songs pump them up for working out? Jared starts to mention the song from Deadpool but Jensen goes "Celine Dion?" and they have a little joking back and forth about it but the song Jared actually meant is Welcome to the Party. Jensen shares that a fun fact about Jared is that he likes to remind Jensen that that song is what he likes to kick a heavy bag too every time it plays, and every time Jared tells him that he tells Jared he's told him that 37 times. Yeah, this is married behavior because this can't be something that is playing that often on the radio or coming up casually.
Jensen says he usually goes old school with his workout playlist but he doesn't have a curated one he just goes to like Spotify and picks something from there, he also mentions the song Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses.
When is Jensen going to release the song that he and MC made? Jensen says he'll have to track him down but they're still workshopping that one, it was an impromptu writing session they had but he'll be honest he was impressed with MC's ability to not hit any notes that it was alarming, he was terrible
Gonna take a second to thank God for having no idea what the fuck this person is talking about
Last question! Why did Sam drive 4hrs to Pontiac, Illinois to bury Dean after he died in No Rest for the Wicked? Jensen makes the joke that that's where he rose...so he already had a plot. I'll give it to him that was a good one!
Jared answers that you always want to leave the scene of a crime before burying a dead body so he thinks Sam was just looking for the first place he could get where the law wasn't following him. Jensen says that honestly that's a good question that he doesn't have an actual answer for, he doesn't know why the writers decided to do that, usually the writers have some insight or writer trader information like Pontiac, Illinois might be where their first girlfriend was from and that's what they'll write in there but but they don't tell that to them, that's not in the sсript.
And then Rosenbaum semi-crashes the panel to "ask a question" if they can raise the money if they can give him a ride in the car they have in their garage, Jared says no
And I'm wrapping up this post by pointing out two things the first one is that Jared and Jensen were sitting so close during this panel that they might as well have sat on each other's lap, and that there's this cute moment at the end of the panel where Jensen says "give it up for my man, Jared Padalecki"
Это да, в начале панели Джаред Дженсену сказал "Ты меня коленом толкаешь", но не отодвинулся))
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