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02.02.2018 в 02:16

а можно завести семейный Падалечий тред? Чтобы там был Джаред с кем угодно и без ката? Я люблю Джареда, я рада, что вокруг него народ, его семья, друзья, родители.

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@темы: милота

26.06.2024 в 11:46

взять хотя бы про Джареда в Пацанах - полно не спновски-фандомного народа настрочило "вау, Сэм в Пацанах! хочу их с Дином" и подобное.
Ну значит, ничего в этом не понимаю . Но в любом случае стараюсь держаться подальше от кипеша.
26.06.2024 в 12:14

Еще статья про Джареда www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jared-pa...
26.06.2024 в 12:19

И Лос-Анджелес Таймс www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/202...
26.06.2024 в 12:26

Кто-нибудь знает, Томми выкладывает свои подкасты на youtube? Собирается с Джаредом выложить? Хотелось бы посмотреть, а не только послушать.
26.06.2024 в 14:48

кучно статьи пошли)
26.06.2024 в 19:37

АХ, прелесть какая :-D Это со свадьбы Барра va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_sfp0tm7UMl1zpjeva_72...
26.06.2024 в 19:58

Милота какая. :-D:-D:-D
26.06.2024 в 22:07

В общем, Джаред в настоящее время не хочет подписываться на многолетние долгоиграющие телешоу, но готов подписываться на проекты с ограниченным сроком съемок, даже если сроки и не маленькие. Главное, чтобы это не занимало годы съемок вдали от семьи, как было с СПН. Ну а что касается Пацанов, похоже, на эпизодическую роль надеется не приходится. Похоже Крипке хочет его задействовать как регуляра: If a job on a TV show comes up, like I’ve talked to Kripke about The Boys stuff, like, “Yeah, I’ll come play with you for a month. Yeah, I’ll come play with you for two months, for six weeks, or whatever,” or, “Yeah, I’ll come pop in a week out of every month for the next three months.”
Хотя, конечно, об этом рано говорить.
27.06.2024 в 00:58

27.06.2024 в 01:04

27.06.2024 в 01:08

27.06.2024 в 05:20

27.06.2024 в 10:13

Какого парня воспитали. :)
27.06.2024 в 12:18

You’ve developed a tradition, on both “Supernatural” and “Walker,” of being the one to deliver the news of a renewal or a cancellation to your cast and crew. How did that happen this time around?

Yes. I talked to David Stapf at CBS [Studios] and Brad Schwartz at CW before the announcement was made. And when Brad and I were talking, he was wildly flattering of “Walker” and what we had done, and he has his directives as well. He asked me, “Hey, how would you feel if we release the news or if you release the news? Do you have a preference? You’re CW royalty. You’ve been here since Day 1. How do you want to do this?” I thought about it, and I was like, “You know what, man? I think it might be best if I go ahead and make the announcement.” He was like, “Cool. Just go ahead.” And I asked him, “Do you want me to send what I’m going to post to you first, or do you want me to just go and post it?” And he goes, “We know you. We love you. We trust you. You don’t need to double check it with me. Just go ahead and send it when you’re ready.”
27.06.2024 в 12:22

Как-то так: there are a few things that my wife and I are in the process of developing that I would love to produce and act in.
27.06.2024 в 12:24

Yeah, I don’t want to disappear into the bushes by any means, but I kind of want to disappear into the bushes. But hopefully, at this point in my life, and much like Cordell realized at the end of Season 4, I need to take a good, long, hard look at my personal life and the time I spend with my family and my friends, and I need to stop being so aggressive and obsessed with work. I still want to work, but for now, you’ll find me in and out of the bushes, hanging out with family and seeing friends. If a project comes up and I don’t care about it, then money doesn’t matter. But if a project comes up and I love the story or there’s somebody I really want to work with, then all right, [I’ll do it].
27.06.2024 в 16:07

Это не вносили вроде?


и эх, как можно было закрыть на 4 сезоне, когда туда пригласили Ван Дер Бика...
27.06.2024 в 17:15

И вот, Канзас с теплыми словами к Уокеру и Джареду. Может кто умеет сюда скрин вставить?
27.06.2024 в 17:17

И вот, Канзас с теплыми словами к Уокеру и Джареду. Может кто умеет сюда скрин вставить?

Анончик, в 00.58 уже принесли :) Но такое не жаль и два раза внести :)
27.06.2024 в 17:56

Анончик, в 00.58 уже принесли :)
А, вижу, пропустил))
Сорри, очень урожайные на публикации дни. И просто куча всякой милоты и добрых слов. Прощаемся с Уокером  :(
Сентиментальный какой-то настрой, аж местами глаза на мокром месте, пока все это читаю.
28.06.2024 в 01:30

Джаред жжет глаголом)
28.06.2024 в 01:48

Джаред жжет глаголом)
Да Джаред всего одно интервью дал. А эхо раздалось... Даже Indiewire подхватила. Вот точно Атлант повел плечом.
28.06.2024 в 22:42

Nerds & Beyond: Then in episode 12, we see Cordell get saved by the team after being buried alive. What was that process like?

Jared: You know what’s funny, is that on Walker, I’ve done a lot of great, fun, kind of random or strange stunt sequences, like driving a truck full speed up a parking garage, and being in fight sequences in strange areas. There have always been these things like racing horses with Dave Annable around the barn… there have been times where it’s like, “Okay, well, there’s probably some danger here,” and they’re gonna come and say like, “Hey, do you feel comfortable? We’re gonna be here. Just say if it doesn’t work for you.”

That scene specifically was probably the most they’ve ever come up to me and been like, “Hey, sorry, we’ll have a straw for you. You can breathe. We’ll do this, we’ll do that.” They were really concerned. I am not claustrophobic, thank God. So, I didn’t have some of the concerns that a lot of the other producers, stunt coordinators, and safety coordinators did. I was like, “This kind of sounds cool, this is gonna look fucking cool.”

I actually talked to [Jensen] Ackles, because he had done “Lazarus Rising”, the premiere of season four [of Supernatural], where he was buried in a similar situation, and got his two cents on it. And I was like, “I’m kind of excited.” To have an episode like 411, you can’t just all of a sudden [go], “Oh, Cordell is back, here we go.” There needs to be some drama. There needs to be some cool stuff. It was one of the few things that I don’t think I’ve ever done before. I’ve done plenty of stuff in my career, but I don’t think I’ve been buried alive. And so I was like, “Cool, let’s go ahead and get this Boy Scouts badge.”

For the buried alive part, they dug a grave and they first buried me up to my shoulders. Coby [Bell] was having some back issues, he had been on a flight and he had just kind of tweaked his back. We’re like, “Well, Jeff Pierre’s here, so guess what, Jeff? You’re carrying Padalecki.” I’m 205-210 pounds, and that’s not an easy way to pull somebody out of a grave, there’s no leverage. But Jeff Pierre is a king among men. And, he’s like, “Alright, I got him.” So between Jeff and Coby, they lifted me out and wiped the dirt and blood off my face. That was exciting.

What I enjoyed less, was spending all day in that makeup because then we had the sequence where Captain James walked Cordell over to Cassie and Trey, and so I kinda just stayed in that makeup and outfit for twelve hours. The actual doing of the acting was amazing, but trying to go to lunch with all that stuff on your face… you don’t want to wash it off, it’ll take an hour back on. So it’s just sort of like, I want to scratch my face, I’m sweaty and hot and nasty. But all in all, I knew it was gonna be something that, until the day I die, I’ll be proud to have been a part of. So, you kind of grin and bear it.
28.06.2024 в 22:45

Nerds & Beyond: When you got the official call that Walker would no longer continue, what was that call like?

Jared: I did have some version of a heads up, but it still was like we didn’t believe it or understand it. The heads up was obvious when they put out their upfront list of shows they were intending for the ’24-’25 season, and we weren’t listed. You didn’t have to be a producer on the show to go like, “Well, this is strange.” There were obvious hints and clues both publicly and privately that kind of leaned toward, “This doesn’t look good.”

But the strange thing is that’s been my life, that’s been my career. Gilmore Girls was on the bubble for many years. Supernatural was on the bubble for many years. And the season three, season four, kind of world that TV shows live on, it’s like, well, if you do five or six, you can probably do twenty-five or twenty-six. But you’ve got to get to five or six. We all just kind of were like, “Well, let’s look at the numbers.” And, the show would air, it would be the most watched show on CW, and we’d be like, “Okay, cool. Brad Schwartz said if the performance maintained, then we’re gonna go again. Well, we’re maintaining, we’re still the most-watched show on the network.” We were worried privately, but then we were like, “Well, shoot, we’re fulfilling our obligation. Why would they possibly not pick us up?”

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