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18.01.2018 в 22:13

Модер, дай тред любви и обожания солнценосного Джареда Падалеки. Равновесия для.

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@темы: милота

17.11.2024 в 13:11

Вот момент, где он срисовал Одри. Это та блонда, к которой он подсел. Все понятно без слов. Умеет же он показать целую историю взглядом

17.11.2024 в 14:13

но авторы вписали ему в бэкграунд гибель команды. Да, виновен не он, а его командир, но тем не менее
Это вина выжившего, он считает, что должен был погибнуть тоже. Видимо, тот эпизод его жизни сделал его вот таким. Я очень хочу спин-офф с ним, чтобы все это исследовать.
17.11.2024 в 14:13

Какая у нас красивая шапка. :inlove:
18.11.2024 в 18:32

gutierrezfamilysa: Teenage Dirtbag Trend! A little late to this trend, I know, but it’s in honor of my 20-year high school reunion (all pics 2001-2005)
Back when you took photos just for fun & memories and not to post because social media was at its very beginning of existence & yes, that is @jaredpadalecki in my pic the @gilmoregirls
first season had just finished & he was walking around the mall in our hometown of San Antonio!

18.11.2024 в 20:03

Ну что за милый мальчик. 
22.11.2024 в 17:43

22.11.2024 в 18:24

22.11.2024 в 18:31

Fire Country Season 3 Episode 6 spoilers give us a sneak peek at upcoming storylines as we continue with the three-episode story arc to introduce Fire Captain Camden Casey, played by the impressively talented Jared Padalecki. www.tvfanatic.com/fire-country-season-3-episode...
22.11.2024 в 18:35


If you thought Fire Country didn't already have enough drama, Jared Padalecki's latest appearance as newcomer Camden Casey on the firefighting series will excite you even more. Following the cancelation of Padalecki's latest series, The CW's Walker, it's good to see this TV star on a new series, and playing a very different character than before. From his first appearance in "Edgewater's About to Get Real Cozy," we knew that Camden Casey would be something special, and we can't wait to see what's next for him.
Jared Padalecki Is a Perfect Fit for 'Fire Country'

As Camden Casey, Bode Leone's (Max Thieriot) new boss, Padalecki shows off his impressive range as an actor. Who would've thought that from Gilmore Girls to Supernatural and Walker, and now on Fire Country, Padalecki would be routinely cast as characters who couldn't be more different? This time around, Padalecki plays a maverick, but an extremely likable one who has a legitimate reason for the chip on his shoulder. It turns out that Casey's entire unit died on a call because he didn't follow his gut, instead allowing himself to get bogged down by procedure and red tape. Haunted by being the only survivor, he trains cadets to learn from his mistakes and to run into the fire with the full intention of saving lives and not just avoiding legal controversy.

According to an official CBS featurette on Padalecki's role on the show, he and series star and co-creator Max Thieriot have actually been friends for a long time off-camera. "We talked about it since day one," Padalecki reveals about his finding a spot on Fire Country. "He brings such a positive energy to the set and the people around him," Thieriot adds. Frankly, we can tell. Gabriela Perez actress Stephanie Arcila noted that Padalecki only spent about 10 minutes prepping for his introductory fight sequence at Smokey's, where he saves Bode's honor from some of Diego's (Rafael de la Fuente) old friends and instantly proves to be Season 3's breakout character. No one else on Fire Country is quite like Camden Casey, and his SoCal demeanor adds some flavor to a show where we've come to know the cast all too well. More than that, it's just fun to watch Jared Padalecki play such a different personality.
22.11.2024 в 21:07

mike_davello: Portrait work with @jaredpadalecki #Walker
23.11.2024 в 08:22

Красотуля  :love:  
23.11.2024 в 10:45

Это просто произведение искусства, а не человек. :)
23.11.2024 в 12:10

Ух тыы, а можно еще такого?)
23.11.2024 в 12:37

Неее, Джаред уникальный в своем роде. 
23.11.2024 в 12:44

Сегодня случаем не будет новой серии Джареда в Стране Пожарных?
23.11.2024 в 16:21

Сегодня случаем не будет новой серии Джареда в Стране Пожарных?
Как ни быть? Наверное, уже есть для скачивания.
23.11.2024 в 17:30

Ооооо, как там закручено. читать дальше
23.11.2024 в 17:40

Working on @firecountrycbs is pure magic! @maxthieriot@jaredpadalecki@juleslatimer@j_calloway6@stepharcila@getdianefarr@levenrambin#billyburke#barbarakayefriend@tiawritestv@purpledga@mark_berlet

There are indeed those extraordinary days when you have the distinct privilege to collaborate with individuals who are simply amazing. People who not only excel at their craft but also uplift everyone around them with their spirit. This is exactly what working on this show feels like. Every day on set is like a masterclass in creativity, a celebration of talent, and a testament to the magic that happens when remarkable minds come together. This show isn't just another project; it's something truly special.

I feel both humbled and honoured to be a part of this journey.
23.11.2024 в 17:42

23.11.2024 в 17:55

Следующая пятница выпадает на праздничные дни под День Благодарения, поэтому третья серия с Джаредом через две недели.
23.11.2024 в 18:23

23.11.2024 в 17:41 
Мне понравилась эта актриса. 

Посмотрела 6 серию, персонаж Джареда с характером. Мне неожиданно, очень нравится.
23.11.2024 в 19:41

В общем, хочу проду про этого перса. Там все очень непросто
Я тоже. Меня сегодня прямо пробило на моменте, когда заговорили про его брата. Там под этой маской много всего кроется.
23.11.2024 в 21:07

Сюжетный поворот, однако:

23.11.2024 в 21:11

22.11.2024 в 21:07 Гость   Модель!
23.11.2024 в 21:42

Постельную сцену нам дадут, интересно? :chup2:
27.11.2024 в 12:20

23.11.2024 в 17:55 

Жалко, мне так понравился Кэмден, жду не дождусь, что будет дальше. 
27.11.2024 в 17:40

27.11.2024 в 17:42


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