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09.01.2021 в 16:18
Может ещё рано, но можно отдельные тредики по сериалам "Уокер" и "Пацаны"?URL комментария
There's not an actor on this show that I don't have a ball working with. They're all great. We don't have a bad apple in the bunch, and that's a rarity for this industry. If you put your ear to the ground, you'll hear that the Walker set is one of the happiest sets in the business right now, and boy, that's a treat for me.
⭐Total viewers: 1.601 million
⭐Total 18-49: 0.20
Gains: +0.640 million viewers (+66.6%), +0.10 adults 18-49 rating (+100%)
(какие они все обалденно красивые! кастинг директор у них тот же, что и у Уокера?)))
Может, и другой, но точно знает их стандарты качества.
Дааа! Мэтт мне и так нравился, Кэт тоже понравилась, когда ее увидела, но индеец прямо запал в душу. А ведь я не собиралась приквел смотреть
А мне наоборот, идея приквела показалсь очень интересной сразу
Я просто не фанат фильмов про те времена, нравится более современное. Но нашли, чем зацепить, кажется.
очень похоже на правду, тут и лайк посту режиссера, и время совпадает (режиссер писал, что закончили в 6 утра). и хэштег спнфэмили...
намекает, что будет что-то еще)
все-таки он отличный фотограф
Получается, да, на этой неделе серии не будет
Nerds and Beyond: Last question. A prequel pilot for Walker, Walker: Independence, has just finished filming, which you are executive producing. How excited are you to potentially expand more into the story?
Jared Padalecki: It’s phenomenal. The writing is fantastic. I’m half jealous that I don’t get to be in it [laughs]. But again, I do get to be home in Austin. It is a great set of characters that Seamus [Fahey] and the gang put together, and they fleshed it out so well. The build-up to it … I mean, it’s no joke. There are Zoom calls every day and the casting sessions are crazy. Trying to cast an ensemble from a series of tapes because you can’t do in-person meetings has its own set of difficulties.
You want to get a sense of somebody and is this person, A) Kind? Are they curious? Are they willing to take direction? Are they attentive and they seem like they’re hardworking? Are they gonna show up on time? Are they gonna treat each other nicely? Then, B) Are they going to have good chemistry with this person? They’re not going to meet in person till, basically, they want to film it. So, I would say that having seen dailies now, it’s incredible. They already all seem close and friendly and they have great chemistry together between all of them. I cannot wait to see … it’s going to be a huge success. Larry Teng did a phenomenal job with the pilot and we’re going to beg him to come back for more. But I can’t wait for the world to see the show.
Значит ли это что сериалу уже дали зелёный свет?