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09.01.2021 в 16:18
Может ещё рано, но можно отдельные тредики по сериалам "Уокер" и "Пацаны"?URL комментария
Finished #TheBoysTV screeners and OMG #SPNFamily, we were not ready. And I mean that in the best possible way. I cannot wait for everyone to join me in being overwhelmed with conflicting emotions and leaping around my kitchen going WTF?! Damn it, @JensenAckles @therealKripke!
Да что там такое, что все в восторге (и в шоке)?
Если нет впн, а посмотреть очень хочется))) - вот, я скачала ролик из твиттера
Дженсен хорош, реально кажется пьяным
"episode 6 is illegal in about 4 different countries i found out" t.co/LUneVzMALK
For some reason, there is a boatload of sex in this season and a lot of it is about male genitalia
If you love penises doing more than you would ever expect in a superhero tv series… this is your season
As for the story of the season… it’s kind of classic superhero sequelizing. At the end of the 2nd season, the show’s Superman, Homelander, is clearly both losing his mind and turned power mad. What do you do when no one can stop your superhero lead? You create someone who might be strong enough to do so… or maybe more than one… or some combination that might work.
In this case - as seen in the ads - they came up with Soldier Boy, their kinda Captain America knock-off from World War II. But will he be like Captain America or will he be twisted in some The Boys way? (Duh!)
It feels like the writers picked the Soldier Boy storyline, then embellished relentlessly, as one would on an OG sitcom, gag by gag by gag.
Это не рецензия, типа мысли перед просмотром.
Это рецензия от посмотревшего скринеры, причем еще до финальной постобработки и без спецэффектов. Он в деталях описывает первые 15 минут первой серии.
when the press copies of the season were made available by Amazon, they were early edits, completely cut together, but without finished effects. My guess is that they were avoiding spoilers and piracy. Regardless, watching this season that way was fascinating.
Спасибо. Я по первым двум абзацам решила, что автор только готовится посмотреть, и бросила читать.
Хотя и целая статья была неинтересной. Про секс в первой серии я и раньше знала, и необязательно было так подробно все описывать)
Хотя, чувствуется, автор был потрясен. неужели они действительно столько секса запихнули в сезон? Карен тоже сказала - очень много членов. В общем, зря, кмк, там и так много всего есть, о чем рассказывать.
Старр сказал, что сезон о том, кто из трех assholes - Бутчер, Хоум или Солдатик возьмет верх.
Хотя, чувствуется, автор был потрясен. неужели они действительно столько секса запихнули в сезон?
Видимо, да))
Had the absolute pleasure of interviewing @KarlUrban and @JensenAckles about #TheBoys season 3 as part of a fancypants press roundtable. Also made eye contact with Jensen and didn’t evaporate, so W for me - here’s what we chatted about for @thedigitalfix
KU: Jensen was such a fantastic addition to the cast, he came in and was immediately embraced by the entire cast, it was pretty quickly established that he was a heavy hitter on set. And I think that everybody was actually really excited to work with him. Whether he’s aware of it or not, he really helped raise everybody’s level, and he really has the ability to identify what is a weakness or a problem and then turn it into a strength. Wу are so blessed to have him on our show. And I’m super excited for audiences to see what it’s done.
JA: [to Urban] Thanks, man. The last few episodes, are some of my favourite scenes that I did throughout the whole season three. There’s one in particular we talked about earlier: a scene between Soldier Boy and Butcher that isn’t the outrageous scene, it isn’t the explosive scene, it’s a quiet scene. But it’s in those quiet scenes that I feel like you really get a sense of who these characters are.
You really get to peel back those layers. And then it becomes more personal to the audience and you get the nuance that really makes the character a character. And so those are the scenes that I feel like, just even as an actor, those are the scenes where I get to grow. And having a scene partner like Karl just makes it even that much richer.
So, I spoke to @KarlUrban, @JensenAckles, @therealKripke & more about #TheBoys Season 3 for The Lowdown! Karl Urban chats Butcher's new role this season, Jensen Ackles talks about Soldier Boy’s mentality & Eric Kripke teases Herogasm... @TheBoysTV @zavvi