Пишет Гость:

а можно завести семейный Падалечий тред? Чтобы там был Джаред с кем угодно и без ката? Я люблю Джареда, я рада, что вокруг него народ, его семья, друзья, родители.
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02.02.2018 в 02:16

а можно завести семейный Падалечий тред? Чтобы там был Джаред с кем угодно и без ката? Я люблю Джареда, я рада, что вокруг него народ, его семья, друзья, родители.
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Зал практически полон, а зал нехилый, 2.350 мест.
It’s always a blast to go see Jared and Tom. It was even more of a blast to take my dad to his first con. He got to see first hand what I like to do and how much Jared means to me. Dad even got a kick out of seeing Christopher Lloyd in person and thought John Glover was pretty funny. All in all, it was a great day. (1.20.24) #c2abq2024 #abqcomiccon
___nezuko.kashii___ Jared Padalecki noticed me at comic con and said he liked my shirt! I am still freaking out about it and can’t believe I got it on video. I was in shock during the video and was at a loss for words but I feel so lucky because this happened to me! I am so happy that I got to meet him and take a picture with him! He’s such a nice guy! Once I wasn’t in shock anymore I told him that I loved him when we saw each other again in the photo op My favorite character from Supernatural Sam Winchester