Пишет Гость:

а можно завести семейный Падалечий тред? Чтобы там был Джаред с кем угодно и без ката? Я люблю Джареда, я рада, что вокруг него народ, его семья, друзья, родители.
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02.02.2018 в 02:16

а можно завести семейный Падалечий тред? Чтобы там был Джаред с кем угодно и без ката? Я люблю Джареда, я рада, что вокруг него народ, его семья, друзья, родители.
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Понятно. И Джаред не упустил возможности понянчиться. ))
Судя по надписи, там Джен перепоручила в надежные руки))
In case anyone cares for details. He was wearing all black, including sunglasses and earbuds, and looked freaking gorgeous. Towers above everyone.
He was walking alone so I hope he gets left to do his thing.
Ничего себе! Аж завидно.
Both lots at bastrop were sold
They bought TWO pieces of land two years ago. One was a farm, the other had a house on it. That was sold.
Да, очень. Он много таких мелких деталей дает.
There was a time in Jared Padalecki’s career when he was used to being shirtless on set. During his recurring appearances on Gilmore Girls, and featured performances in films such as House of Wax and Friday the 13th, the actor sported his trademark abs (and timeless haircut) over and over again. But, his perhaps most thirst-trapiest of years fell when he played Sam Winchester on The CW’s smash hit series, Supernatural, during which he was seen without his top on somewhere around 70% of the time.
Да это он в своей обычной манере. перфекционист, хотя куда уж совершеннее то? Даже журналистка пишет о "легендарных кубиках".
Я, когда это прочитала, первая мысль была о серии, где ввели Чака в первый раз. Помните, там была книжка о Винчестерах и обложка, где Сэм сверкает торсом? У меня первая мысль, что эта обложка - единственное, что журналистка знает о СПН)) Или на нее кадры с подтягивающимся Сэмом такое впечатление произвели, что остальные пятнадцать сезонов для нее как в тумане?
And funny behind-the-scenes fact that no one knows about: During the Longhorns playoff game on New Year’s Day, I was walking around barefoot, my brother and his kids were over, and they were all playing and stupidly, I grabbed a piece of pizza and tried to run back to the couch to watch the game and I kicked my coffee table on accident! So I had a broken toe for the first three episodes and before shooting that sequence and for a couple episodes after, I would have to ice my foot, throw a sock on real fast, shove it into my cowboy boot, and run around park garages and throw myself around. Yeah, so that was fun. [Laughs] We laughed about it afterwards, but it was just hard to get the boot on and off.